The state government announced a relief package for farmers | 13 thousand per hectare will get assistance,

Relief package announced for farmers: Bhupendra government's economic package for farmers announced, Rs 13000 per hectare will be paid, find out who will get it.
Farmers in Gujarat are in trouble due to heavy rains after the Tout storm. Crops have been severely damaged due to heavy rains in the state. It has now announced a relief package for farmers.
ખેડૂતો માટે રાહત પેકેજ જાહેર: ખેડૂતો માટે ભૂપેન્દ્ર સરકારનું આર્થિક પેકેજ જાહેર, પ્રતિ હેક્ટર રૂ.13000 ચૂકવાશે, જાણો કોને મળશે.
તાઉતે વાવાઝોડા બાદ અતિવૃષ્ટિના કારણે ગુજરાતના ખેડૂતો મુશ્કેલીમાં મુકાયા છે. રાજ્યમાં અતિવૃષ્ટિના કારણે પાકને મોટાપ્રમાણમાં નુકસાની થઇ છે. ત્યારે હવે ખેડૂતો માટે રાહત પેકેજ જાહેર કર્યું છે.
ખેડૂતો માટે રાહત પેકેજ જાહેર
- 20 નવેમ્બર સુધી ડિજિટલ ગુજરાત પોર્ટલ પર ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરી શકાશે
- ખેડૂતોને 2 હેક્ટરની મર્યાદામાં પ્રતિ હેક્ટરે 13 હજાર સહાય ચૂકવાશે
- SDRFના ધોરણો મુજબ બિનપિયત પાકમાં 2 હેક્ટરની મર્યાદામાં હેક્ટરદીઠ રૂ. 6,800 ચૂકવાશે
- બાકીની તફાવતની હેક્ટર દીઠ રૂ. 6,200 મહત્તમ 2 હેક્ટરની મર્યાદામાં રાજ્યના બજેટમાંથી અપાશે
- સરકારી, સહકારી કે સંસ્થાકીય જમીનધારકોને આ સહાયનો લાભ મળશે નહી
Announcing relief package for farmers
- Online application can be made on Digital Gujarat Portal till November 20
- Farmers will be paid Rs 13,000 per hectare within the limit of 2 hectares
- According to the standards of SDRF, in non-irrigated crop, within the limit of 2 hectares, Rs. 6,800 will be paid
- The remaining difference is Rs. 6,200 will be provided from the state budget in a maximum limit of 2 hectares
- Government, co-operative or institutional landholders will not get the benefit of this assistance
Which area farmers will benefit from?
Farmers in the affected areas will get the benefit of this relief package considering the situation that has arisen due to heavy rains in Jamnagar, Rajkot, Junagadh and Porbandar districts in September 2021.
How much assistance per hectare?
- Farmers of such affected villages whose crops have suffered a loss of 3 (thirty three) per cent or more will be given a maximum of 2 (two) hectares per hectare. 15,000 assistance will be paid.
- This assistance is limited to a maximum of 2 (two) hectares as non-irrigated crop from the SDRF provision as per SDRF standards. 2,500 will be given.
- The remaining difference is Rs. 2,500 will be provided from the state budget within a maximum limit of 2 (two) hectares.
- If on the basis of land tenure as per SDRF norms Rs. Even if the amount less than 5 (five) thousand is payable, Rs. At least 5 (five) thousand will be paid and the difference will have to be paid from the state budget.
Who doesn't get the benefit?
- Government, co-operative or institutional landholders will not be eligible for this assistance.
Must apply with necessary evidence ( Documents)
- 8 – a,
- 7-12,
- Example of Talati planting,
- Base number,
- Copy of passbook with bank account details,
In case of mobile number as well as joint account holders, the same account holder should apply to the TDO (Taluka Development Officer) in the prescribed form along with the no-objection consent form etc. signed by other account holders.
Note. In case of death of the account holder, his heirs will have to submit the genealogy. And only one heir will be eligible for assistance. And other heirs and other account holders of the account will have to give an affidavit of consent in this regard.
Assistance will also be provided to the farmers of the land acquired under the Forest Authority Charter and also to the affected farmers cultivating in the settlement villages of the forest area by presenting the required supporting evidence.
How to apply?
- Apply online on Digital Gujarat Portal.
- No fee has to be paid for such application.
Important Links :
સંપુર્ણ માહીતી ગુજરાતીમાં મેળવવા અહીં ક્લિક કરોઓફિશિયલ નોટીફેકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહિં ક્લિક કરો
Important Date of application:
- To avail the benefit of this relief package, one has to apply from October 25 (November 25) to November 20 (November 20).
- Beginning of filling the form: 8/10/2071
- Last date for filling the form: 30/11/2081
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