GSEB HSC Time Table 2021 HSC AND SSC EXAM TIME TABLE Released for Repeater, Private and Separate candidates - Download Exam Date Pdf

GSEB SSC & HSC Exam Time Table 2021 - Gujarat government has cancelled the class 10 SSC exams for regular students. The exams were scheduled to be held from July 1 to 8, 2021. On June 22, the board released the SSC time table for repeater, private and separate candidates. Exams will be held from July 15 to July 27, 2021.
Click here to download Gujarat Board 10th time table 2021 for repeater, private and separate candidates.
Repeater HSC and SSC exam time table: Gujarat has the highest number of villages with a population of more than 300 in the residential area with the provision of Std: 1 to 1 primary schools with 6.03%. In the area up to 1 km from such residential area, the percentage of villages with standard: 1 to 4 primary school facilities is 98.32%.
Repeater HSC and SSC exam time table
In the field of Higher Primary Education (Standard: 5 to 7 Primary Education) Gujarat 0 94.48% of the population of Gujarat has been provided the facility of primary schools having Std: 5 to 7 within a distance of 5 km from the residential area. Gujarat ranks second only to Delhi among all the states of India (except Union Territories) in providing schools up to standard seven.
There are 16,662 villages in Gujarat with a population of 500 or more. Out of which 92.30% of the villages have been provided with the facility of primary schools consisting of standard: 5 to 7 in an area up to 3 km from the residential area. In the field of pre-primary education, Gujarat has a total of 19,672 kindergarten-anganwadi institutes for imparting pre-primary education in Gujarat, out of which 2,247 kindergarten anganwadis are located in rural areas.
Apart from this, another 1404 institutions providing pre-primary education in Gujarat run pre-primary department and primary department together. A total of 14,52,361 children are receiving pre-primary education in Gujarat. In which Gujarat ranks second in all of India. Children getting primary education in Gujarat: According to the 6th All India Educational Survey, 78.82% of the children enrolled in the first standard in Gujarat get education up to the fourth standard, while 10.32% o.f the children get up to the seventh standard. time table 2021 | 2021 exam date | 12th board exam time table 2021 gujarat commerce | 12th commerce time table 2020 gujarat board |Gseb 12th commerce time table 2021 | 10th board exam time table 2021 gujarat | hsc time table 2021 |gseb hsc exam date 2021.